- Santa Clara University gave us Wifi access
- SSID: SCUWireless
- WPA(1 or 2)-PSK: SCUWireless
- Username: [will be posted inside DALY 206/207]
- Password [will be posted inside DALY 206/207]
- Parent Judge orientation in Daly 201 at 8:15am. All new parents please attend!
- Eentrance to O'Connor rooms are on the opposite side of the building. Go through the center archway.
- Student Lounge is in Daly 206 (next door!)
- Postings:
- Round 1: outside Daly 206
- Round 2-6: outside Daly 206, Kenna Hall, O'Connor Hall
- posted on the internet.
- Building monitors are wearing neon vests. Please alert them if there is a problem (no team, no judge)
- Timers: Prizes awarded to timers timing the most rounds!
- Novices will get priority when timers are assigned. However, we will not hold up a round if we do not have enough timers. Debaters should be prepared to self-time.
- Lunch may be picked up at Benson Center (available 12:30-1:15) [see map]
- Pizza dinner will be outside Daly 206 after Round 6
Opening Announcement